Food Space: Transcription

Galway, Ireland

Eh, my name is Mark Duffy. I’m the head chef with Food Space and NUIG, Galway. Food Space is a division of Ap Leona. We’re now up to over twenty restaurants in Ireland. Food Space will be new and as far as I’m aware, the only company that do what we do and have done since the start of _____. Being sustainability, food waste, our zero food waste journey is what we’ve been known for. What really hit on to me was the approach of Food Space. That it was about food and it wasn’t it about the bottom line, it wasn’t about money. Zero waste kitchens are important I think for everyone. Um, not just, like, large scale kitchens like this, but even at home for ourselves. People are in the habit of constantly buying food and then throwing it away. Whether it’s good, whether it’s bad, or we let it go. We come home after shopping and buying all our groceries and then we throw of good food. You know, perfectly good food to make way for the food we just bought at the stores. 

Roughly one third of the food produced in the world for human consumption every year — approximately 1.3 billion tonnes — gets lost or wasted. Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Um, zero waste, I think, has a massive impact on the planet and the future for my, you know, generation to be given to your generation to be passing on to the next generation. I’ve been cheffing a long time, like nearly thirty years, and in the thirty years, this is probably the most fun I’ve had with food. Working with food space, eh, you know, it’s taking something we take for granted that normally will go to the bin and being creative, and being very creative, and having fun with, with the food, like. You know, new challenges, pushing our boundaries, you know as a team, not just myself, as a kitchen brigade. It’s pushing each other. You know, “Don’t throw that in the bin,” What can we do with it. So, challenging ourselves everyday. Keeps it fresh. Makes me feel young again.

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